ok this is similar to many post's but it seems that the problem is getting worse.
Firstly, I am using a HTC 7 Trophy, I am connected via my home WiFi.. and I use my own xbox live gamertag details for purchases.
I first noticed problems when an update became available for HTC Hub, this update would not download.
After about a week or two an update was released for the xbox live game Flight Control (which I have fully purchased).. Once again this would not download. I posted the problem on here.
Find out what to do when you can't download or install a game or an app on your Xbox One console. Troubleshoot game or app installation problems on Xbox One. Solution 1: Check the Xbox Live service status. If you see any alerts here, wait until the service is up and running and try again.

J WOODS who's profile is here>> http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Profile/en-US/?user=J+Woods+-+MSFT&referrer=http%3a%2f%2fsocial.answers.microsoft.com%2fForums%2fen-US%2fwindowsphone7%2fthread%2f6c664248-348a-48f7-aae4-8ba4ff1b6717&rh=ue9tcCu87jtvJYNskiIBdBpmExx7x5usQ1vr19dUVu8%3d&sp=forums
Mcafee Won't Download
He posted this as an answer to the problem
For the symptoms you are describing, I would suggest the following steps:
- Delete the app from the Phone by tapping and holding on the app and then tapping “delete”.
- Go back to Marketplace and reinstall the app.
If that doesn’t work:
- Turn off the phone, remove the battery for 30 - 60 seconds, replace the battery and restart the phone. Removing the battery may not be absolutely necessary but I don't want to tell you to try it later :)
- Repeat the first 2 steps above.
Let us know if this works.
Best regards.
Now, after following J Woods advice, Flight Control WILL NOT download at all. I am still connected via my WiFi...and every time I try to download the game it displays 'Attention required. Press here.' when I press on the message it then displays another message. syaing 'Can't get this information at the moment. Check again in a little while.'

But this is not the only problem of its type..
On December 26th 2010, I purchased Bejewled LIVE from the Xbox Live marketplace on the phone. Straight after purchasing I recieved the same error messages as I did with flight control. Even though I have not been able to download the game as of yet (despite many attempts)... Microsoft did not delay in STEALING MY MONEY...
I am getting very fed up of complaining and trying many different methods to try and get my game that I HAVE PAID FOR... But it seems that Microsoft couldn't care less.
Xbox Live Wont Download Games
They have not even acknowledged that they are aware of this problem or given any indication that they are going to fix it... But yet they are quite happy to take peoples money and refer you to the disclaimer at the bottom of every purchase which claims.. 'there are no refunds on this purchase'
Xbox Game Won't Update
Surely if they cannot provide me with the items I have paid for, then I am entitled to a refund. If anyone knows what I can do about this please reply. Because if this is not fixed soon I will be seeking legal action. Even Microsoft are not above the law, and charging me for something that they don't give me is a violation of consumer rights.