Mar 31, 2018 Smash Bros - Hope you enjoyed the video if you did, be sure to leave a like, share this video with your friends, and subscribe! Also hit that bell icon so you will be. Nov 25, 2008 - download dolphin emulator, just google it then find the rom for it then open it with the dolphin emulator and there u have it.
Super Smash Bros Melee 1.02 Iso Download
Melee's Community has been only growing as new players from different backgrounds join the community. Original Melee is although prized for beginners, hard to find at a good price.
Nintendo also hasn't re-released Melee for newer consoles, fearing it might damage sales of the current version their promoting. The Only option is to emulate Melee on a personal computer. With new features like Netplay, that can enrich the Experience of playing Melee, even better.
In this Guide, I will show you how get Melee running on your PC, how to set up Netplay, and getting started on Anther's Ladder.
You Will Need:
• A decent computer
• Fast and Reliable Internet
• WinRar
Super Smash Bros Download Pc
Step 1: Obtaining the Dolphin Emulator

For this step you will need:
• WinRar
• An Internet Browser
If you read this far, your ready to begin your Melee journey! Let's begin by downloading the Dolphin Emulator.
Dolphin is used the most thanks to its Netplay Feature. If your planning to use Anther's Ladder to play, you have to have the right version they recommend. Currently, Dolphin 4.0-7840 is used in Anther's. In the future, pay attention to the site for future updates.
Dolphin updates frequently and would take a few minutes to look though there list of downloads. Here's a link to skip that process:
After downloading, If your using Chrome, move it to the desktop. Make a new folder and move the 7z once more into the folder. Enter your new folder and right click on the 7z. In the pop-up menu, click 'Extract Here'. It shouldn't take too long, depending on how much space you have on your computer. Once, the process is done, a newly created folder called 'Emu Dolphin' will appear, click on the folder. Look for the Dolphin Application within the folder and open it.
You've completed Step 1!
Step 2: Obtain the Melee v1.02 ISO
For this step you will need:
• An Internet Browser
Next step is to obtain the ISO for Melee. This is where you have to use common sense. I can't share where I got my ISO due to legal reasons. A quick Google Search will do to get you started. Don't download from shady sites. Download from the sites at the top of your Google Search.
After obtaining the 1.02 Melee ISO, Create a Folder within your first folder. Place your ISO within the Folder. All ISO's come packaged within a Zip, Rar or 7z package. Similarly earlier,
Right-Click the file and in the Pop-up Menu, click 'Extract Here'. This may take a while. After the Extraction is finished, open Dolphin wherever it's located.
Double-Click where the ROM should be located. Find your folder where Melee is located within the File Explorer in Dolphin. After you select the folder where it's located, the ROM should appear, click it. Once it loads, you'll be playing Melee in no time!
~End of Part 1~
Part 2: Anther's Ladder and Netplay
Playing Melee only gets better with Netplay. Netplay allows you to play with other players around the world. From my experience, Netplay works flawlessly with more close ranged players. I recommend playing with them. Let's begin by setting Netplay up.
Step 3: Setting up Netplay
For this step, you will need:
• A decent computer
• Fast and Reliable Internet
• An Internet Browser
There's only one more thing to download for this guide. Head over to the link below to download the content:
(It's the second download link)
Check the 'Terms and Service' box and let it download.
Welcome Back! Head into Dolphin Emulator and at the top, click config. In the first screen should be a box named 'Enable Cheats', check the box.
Exit the box and right click the ROM. Click on Properties. Look for the tab with 'Gecko Codes' as the name. Find the 'Netplay Community Settings' and enable. Then exit the box. You finished Step 3!
Final Step: Anther's Ladder!
Glad you tagged along! This is the last step, let's begin! Head on over to Anther's Ladder and create an account. While it processes, you can change personal features of you account like your mains and such.

When you head over to the chat and find a game. They may share a code with you. You need to enter this code so you can join the game. Go to Dolphin and right click. Click 'Start Netplay' Where the tabs are located, paste the code. Click join and have fun.
If you want to host a game this choose the host tab. You can keep it at the default settings but experiment with others.
Congratulations, You've Finished the Guide!
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, post them in the comments.
Enjoy Melee!
Status: Third Edit (1.02 instead of 1.2, expect more)