Fear Of Flying Erica Jong Free Download

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Erica Jong is a poet, novelist, and essayist, best known for her eight New York Times bestselling novels, including Fear of Flying (which has sold twenty-seven million copies in forty languages) and Fear of Fifty. Sep 3, 2013 - Read a free sample or buy Fear of Flying (Enhanced Edition) by Erica Jong. This book can be downloaded and read in Apple Books on your. About Fear of Flying A striking deluxe edition commemorating the 40th anniversary of Erica Jong’s groundbreaking classic Before Hannah from Girls, Anastasia Steele from Fifty Shades of Grey, and Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City, there was Isadora Wing, the uninhibited, outspoken protagonist of Erica Jong’s revolutionary novel.

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Preview — Fear of Flying by Erica Jong

Bored with her marriage, a psychoanalyst’s wife embarks on a wild, life-changing affair
After five years, Isadora Wing has come to a crossroads in her marriage: Should she and her husband stay together or get divorced? Accompanying her husband to an analysts’ conference in Vienna, she ditches him and strikes out on her own, crisscrossing Europe in search of a man who can in
Published November 4th 2003 by Berkley Books (first published 1973)
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Michele DaigleThe book is more erotica than self help if you were looking for curing a fear of flying.
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Sep 19, 2013Samadrita rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Shelves: 2013-releases, arc-netgalley, feminism-feminist-undertones, erotica, gender-studies-sexuality, psychology-psychological, the-untamed-mind, abandoned-without-ado, loathed-this-book, not-worth-it
I swear if I have to take another page of this rich, uppity bitch's incessant whinings and first world problems, I'll rip all my hair out.
Isadora Wing sooooo envies the fact that German streets are cleaner than those in the US. She feels sooooo traumatized whenever she visits Germany because *drumroll* she's a Jew! In case you missed that info the first time don't worry, she will rub it in your face till you learn to chant it like a mantra. She won all her college poetry writing contests, edited
Dec 01, 2008Manny rated it really liked it
Shelves: too-sexy-for-maiden-aunts, no-redeeming-social-importance, parody-homage, story-review, pooh-dante
iw69: hello. i want you now
mannyrayner: do we know each other?
iw69: not at all, that's the point. i thought we could just have a completely no-strings-attached sexual encounter for its own sake, and then say goodbye. wouldn't that be poetic and beautiful?
mannyrayner: um, well, maybe. i'm sorry, i guess i should just be doing this and not analyzing it. can i at least have a name or will that ruin everything?
iw69: i'm isadora
mannyrayner: that's a pretty name. pardon me for being so old-fashioned
Jul 19, 2018Adina marked it as abandoned
Speed dating with books 1/6
Since I am moving my books from one room to another and building a new bookcase I realized (again) that I have way too many unread books. I decided to choose 6 (for the beginning) of the ones waiting on my shelves for a long time or that I do not know if I would like, read 50 pages and decide if I want to continue with them or send them away. This week and the next I will share with you the results.
I bought this novel almost 10 years ago because, well, I was afraid of
Apr 24, 2007Taylor rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: fiction, favorites, own, just-like-a-woman, the-power-of-love, women-writers, wheres-the-bedroom, golden-years, in-a-land-far-away, not-by-a-white-guy
For whatever reason (possibly because someone I recommended it to wasn't that thrilled by it), I feel a bit like I need to defend this book lately, and since I reviewed it when I first joined this site and most people were writing shorter reviews, I'd like to give it a better write-up.
The premise of Fear of Flying is fairly simple: Isadora White Wing is in a marriage she isn't exactly happy with. Her husband isn't especially warm to her, nor is he incredibly supportive of her career (like Jong,
Apr 10, 2018Julie rated it it was ok
Shelves: retro-buddy-reads, don-t-believe-the-hype
Summer, 1972
A top editor at a publishing firm in NYC pokes his head into a break room and says to a young, male intern who is pouring coffee, “Hey, kid, come into my office for a minute, will you?”
The “kid” is a recent lit grad from Columbia University with a penchant for Joyce and Hardy and an innate distrust for this particular editor. He starts to sweat immediately at the man's request, but stays outwardly calm as he puts down the coffee cup and follows the editor into his office.
The editor m
Rather neglectful of reading duties (I shall admit to this very vulgar crime) for the lethargic days of summer, it was truly a rare treat to sporadically go back to this, a sly and sinful read. Yeah, it is DATED-- but, even in the late 90s, weren't the 'Sex and the City' gals, too? That '50 Shades' is such a success should not be surprising-- it's just that the reminder that other people are having sex while you are (or are not) is.
I've been quoted before as saying that 'sexual non-adventure is
Nov 06, 2017da AL rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Eons ago, I'd heard this book consisted wholely of sex & zipless fucks.
Surprise! Jong writes insightfully about the between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place that women resided in during the early 1970s, and at times still do. The protagonist isn't what I consider terribly likable, yet her bold intelligence, self-awareness, and wit carry her through myriad messy bits.
Jong states in the author interview at the end that she'd like this book to be considered a modern classic - which it is! - so I've mark
Jun 10, 2017Paul Bryant rated it it was ok
I found myself walking round this book and poking it nervously instead of reading it. This went on for days. Fear of Flying - famously feisty, fearless, feminist and full of fucking. Also well known to be zipless. It was like having a landmine on the table, if I opened it I could lose a leg, or some other fleshly part. I’d have to learn to type with my ear.
When I did summon up the courage I was a little bit – well, deflated. As opposed to being flated, which I had been. It was like pages of sta
Oct 09, 2007Jessica marked it as aborted-efforts
Recommended to Jessica by: i'm not so sure anyone did....
Shelves: bad-reads, chicklits, crazy-ladies, here-is-new-york, love-and-other-indoor-sports
Earlier on this evening I was talking to my sainted mother on the telephone, and she noted that I seemed to be 'reading a lot of intellectual books lately,' to which I reacted with vehemently indignant daughterly rage: 'I am NOT, Mom!'
Why my mother's comment should seem so thoroughly offensive is a fitting subject for my analyst (a mythical figure about whom I love to fantasize but probably wouldn't enjoy much if he actually existed), though not so much for the internet, but I've got poor bounda
20 million copies sold? A seminal feminist classic? I am nothing short of incredulous. I'd say it was the pseudo-intellectual self-absorbed ramblings of a spoilt 29-year-old 'poet' that does not stand the test of time.
But let me first say, I'm not one to dole out 1* reviews. This is my first, and as an author myself, I've wondered what can motivate a reader to such an action. But now, thank you Erica, I have seen the light! It's when the distance between the reader's expectations and what is del
Jun 26, 2008Karen rated it liked it · review of another edition
Let me start off by saying that I liked this book - I really did. Isadora Wing (with a name like that, Erica Jong brings the concept of 'thinly veiled autobiography' to new heights) is an exuberant and lovable character. I thought the writing was very good in parts, even though other parts read as if a six-year-old Erica was sitting in her bedroom with a Barbie and two Ken dolls, mashing them together and transcribing the dialogue (she does say she fell in love with her husband because of his sm...more
Jun 15, 2008Petra X rated it really liked it
Zipless Fuck
My one and only one-night stand.
A review
to come
in more ways than one.
Dec 17, 2017Mohamed Al rated it really liked it · review of another edition
من الضروري، قبل قراءة هذه الرواية التي نُشرت عام ١٩٧٣، أن نفهم سياقها الزمني، أي طبيعة المرحلة التي كُتبت فيها. كما أنه من الضروري أن نفهم تاريخ الحركة النسوية في الغرب، التي تصنف إلى ثلاث موجات، وخصائص كل موجة.
هنا مقال ممتاز يقدم موجزًا عن كل موجة
على الرغم من أن إريكا يونغ غير معروفة على نطاق واسع عربيًا (المرة الأولى والوحيدة التي اصطدمت باسمها كانت أثناء قراءتي لكتاب سوبر مان عربي لجمانة حداد)، إلا أنها مشهورة جدًا خارج منطقتنا، خصوصًا في أمريكا وأوروبا
Jun 02, 2008Megan Scaison rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: iconoclastic women, women who wish they were iconoclastic
Recommended to Megan by: my grandmother, second-wave feminism
I remember that when I called my grandmother to tell her that I was going to be in the vagina monologues, I expected her to react to the name: I expected her to be unaware of Eve Ensler and what V-Day is about. She simply said, 'You should read Fear of Flying- it's like the first vagina monologue.'
As it happens, she was so right. It's the kind of book you really regret not reading years earlier, when you really needed some of this information. If I'd read it as a teenager, would I have felt so c
Apr 03, 2011Shovelmonkey1 rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Recommended to Shovelmonkey1 by: 1001 books list
Shelves: 1001-books, bookcrossing-books, read-in-2011
Liberté, égalité, sexualité or Pteromerhanophobia
When this book was first published the general consensus was something along the lines of 'ooh madam'! and a lot of raised eye brows. I imagine people covertly reading this wrapped in brown paper and hoping that no one was looking over their shoulders on the bus or on the tube. And of course it would be the sort of thing that one simply had to hide from ones husband. Of course nowadays you could just download it onto your Kindle and make the text
Aug 17, 2014Maria rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Isadora Wing, welcome to my shit list.
Apr 29, 2016Lubinka Dimitrova rated it it was amazing
Shelves: female-author, general-fiction, how-bizarre, memoir, modern-classics, oh-yes-it-s-you-at-last, romance, the-narrator-nailed-it, thought-provoking
Twenty-nine-year-old Isadora Wing (who’s recently published her first book, a volume of erotic poetry) is traveling with her Chinese American psychiatrist husband to a convention of psychoanalysts in Vienna. Emotionally frustrated and sexually bored in her marriage, Isadora is tormented, on the one hand, by her yearning for adventure, sexual rapture, freedom, and creativity, and on the other hand, by her need for the security and protection of a husband. She opts, at least temporarily, for adven...more
الخوف من الطيران.....إريكا يونغ
الجرأة في الرواية مربكة وفيها نغمة كره للعالم والواقع كبيرة، الكاتبة كتبت الرواية كأنها تبصق على كل شيء، على هرموناتها وحياتها الجنسية، وبتعيد ترتيب الحياة دي من جديد كأنها بتعمل قواعد لعالم جديد، عالم بلا تعقيدات ولا التزامات.
العمق النفسي اللي فيها وكلامها الكثير عن الدكاترة النفسيين كان ظريف جدا، وحس الدعابة بين ثنايا العمل له قيمته.
لو حضرتك فيمينزم فالرواية ممكن تعيد قناعاتك في حاجات كتير، ولو حضرتك عدو للمرأة فالرواية هتوضح لك حاجات كتير، ولو أنت شاب بسيط عنده
Sep 26, 2017Roberto rated it did not like it · review of another edition

Lei e gli altri (tanti)
Paura di volare, di Erica Jong, è un romanzo semi autobiografico del 1973, apparentemente lettura obbligata per le donne negli anni settanta/ottanta.
Cos'è la paura di volare per la Jong?
E' la paura di mettersi in gioco. E' come quando durante una discussione continui a non prendere nulla sul serio, ti limiti a deridere, a prendere le distanze, a criticare, non prendi posizione. Perché se prendi posizione poi sei attaccabile e ti devi difendere. E' molto più facile stare a
Feb 12, 2016Bettie☯ rated it did not like it
Shelves: winter-20152016, mental-health, psychology, women, too-sexy-for-maiden-aunts, published-1973, play-dramatisation, radio-4, jewish, snoozefest

Description: The radio premiere of Erica Jong's bold and bawdy novel about a young woman's quest for sexual liberation was a controversial best-seller in 1973.
1/5: Isadora Wing has been married to psycho-analyst Bennett for five years. But's she restless and yearns for the perfect, guiltless, zipless sexual encounter.
The sixties was spent doing, the seventies was spent writing and I'm sure that this was racy at the time and many women will have started to
{Cue ominous narration guy}
In a world, a woman wrote a book about the literal fear of flying and a bunch more problems that was hailed as a classic of Second Wave Feminism. 45 years later, two women will read it. At least, they will try to read it.
Summary: Erica Jong 'Isadora' is afraid to fly. Isadora is obsessed with analysts. Isadora is obsessed with analysis. Isadora is not obsessed with her analyst husband. Isadora is obsessed with the “zipless fuck” (a one-night stand, basically.) Isadora
Aug 03, 2016Jennifer rated it it was amazing
Isadora Wing. Bright, blond, brash, brilliant, a frustrated poet in a sexually unfulfilling marriage who goes to Vienna, meets a man, climbs in his car and tries to figure out where she's going and where she's been, Isadora gave birth to a million chick-lit heroines and made and equal number of college girls dream about the adventures they, too, could have.
Apr 02, 2012Sarah rated it it was amazing
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
Jul 30, 2017Grazia rated it liked it · review of another edition
'La vita non ha una trama'
Paura di volare, pubblicato nel 1973, è accompagnato dalla fama di essere il libro manifesto della liberalizzazione dei costumi sessuali femminili, una sorta di proclama della possibilità o del desiderio della donna di poter praticare sesso in maniera lieve e senza legami.
Almeno, io mi ero fatta più o meno questa idea.
A me pare però che l'obiettivo del libro sia tutt'altro: per come l'ho letto io, il libro, intriso di psicanalisi e di citazioni libresche di tutti i tipi
Dec 26, 2007Sarah Morgan rated it it was ok · review of another edition
I found this very dated and not relevant to women today. Not only because the zipless fuck is less likely to happen but because the book dosen't seem to approach realtionships with any equality. The psychology of the book seemed like the most outdated part. For me the writting was not good enough to overcome the shortcomings of the story. I appreciate that the the book for the impact it made on women's sexual liberation and freedom, but not relevant in today's sexual practices or norms. More int...more
Jul 10, 2008Traci Medeiros rated it it was amazing
I wish I could have a more natural visceral reaction to this book but I read it from a state of being all too aware of it's controversy and place in feminism and time. I wish I had discovered a dusty copy in a grandmother's attic or untouched corner of a used bookstore because that is really how it should be read... a discovery filled with self discovery.... but I went out looking for it. It had been mentioned too many times as an example and I had to read it for myself. I did instantly feel a c...more
Dec 08, 2008Jennifer rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: women interested in sex, psychoanalysis, and Isadora Wing!
'Fear of Flying' isn't as taboo as I've heard. While sex is big part of the story it's conveyed through the want for passion, the feeling of immediate desire, and is an element used to not feel lonely for our protagonist. In reading Henry Miller's review of 'Flying' I'd say he's right on the money with his want (at the time) for more female writers to be so unhinged when it comes to our most common fears and desires and not to feel like a slut for wanting these things.
While the story has plot p
Jul 07, 2015Sam rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: adventure, biography, classics, feminism, humour, travel, psychology, proper-books
I love books like this, books that challenge my views, ideas and expectations and the reputation of this book alone did that so there was every chance that this would be a let down. But it wasn't. Yes it challenged many aspects of my thoughts and opinions and there were times where I just wanted to shake Isodora back to reality but by the end she had a point, a confusion, a sense of chaos that many of us have felt about various things (and everything) at times that we haven't been able to voice...more
Jan 19, 2019Peter Tillman rated it it was amazing
If you've never read Erica Jong's classic, well, you should. On the re-read list. I have no idea (or record) of when I read it. But I expect you remember the Zipless Fuck! The books has sold more than 20 million copies worldwide.
Jong explains that it is 'zipless' because 'when you came together, zippers fell away like rose petals, underwear blew off in one breath like dandelion fluff. For the true ultimate zipless A-1 fuck, it was necessary that you never
Dec 16, 2013Jenny (Reading Envy) marked it as did-not-finish
I imagine it's hard to read this out of context, but for as much as I've heard about its importance it was agonizing to read. Not sexy, not liberating, it feels like a story about a bunch of people whose lives are dominated by analysis/therapy. Just not interesting at all.
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Erica Jong—novelist, poet, and essayist—has consistently used her craft to help provide women with a powerful and rational voice in forging a feminist consciousness. She has published 21 books, including eight novels, six volumes of poetry, six books of non-fiction and numerous articles in magazines and newspapers such as the New York Times, the Sunday Times of London, Elle, Vogue, and the New Yor...more
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“Do you want me to tell you something really subversive? Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more.” — 725 likes
“It was easy enough to kill yourself in a fit of despair. It was easy enough to play the martyr. It was harder to do nothing. To endure your life. To wait.” — 431 likes
More quotes…Download Book Fear Of Flying in PDF format. You can Read Online Fear Of Flying here in PDF, EPUB, Mobi or Docx formats.

Fear Of Flying

Author : Erica Jong
ISBN : 9781453222089
Genre : Fiction
File Size : 51. 58 MB Fear Of Flying Erica Jong Free Download
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The blockbuster novel of female freedom and empowerment that launched a sexual revolution After five years, Isadora Wing has come to a crossroads in her marriage: Should she and her husband stay together or get divorced? Accompanying her husband to an analysts’ conference in Vienna, she ditches him and strikes out on her own, crisscrossing Europe in search of a man who can inspire uninhibited passion. But, as she comes to learn, liberation and happiness are not necessarily the same thing. A literary sensation when first published in 1973, Fear of Flying established Erica Jong as one of her generation’s foremost voices on sex and feminism. Nearly four decades later, the novel has lost none of its insight, verve, or jaw-dropping wit. This ebook features a new introduction by Fay Weldon, as well as an illustrated biography of Erica Jong, including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author’s personal collection.

Conquer Your Fear Of Flying

Author : Maeve Byrne-Crangle
ISBN : 0717137961
Genre : Self-Help
File Size : 25. 94 MB
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Download : 485
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Aims to help you overcome one of the most prevalent fears in the fast moving world - the fear of flying. This book also includes a chapter on terrorism and security along with frequently asked questions.

Psychological Perspectives On Fear Of Flying

Author : Lucas van Gerwen
ISBN : 9781351907934
Genre : Transportation
File Size : 87. 87 MB
Format : PDF
Download : 716
Read : 1091

This is the first authoritative work to examine the psychological determinants and effects associated with the 'fear of flying'. The contents include: · the extent and nature of the problem of fear of flying; · understanding public perceptions of safety associated with flying; · assessment of clients; psychological treatment approaches; · the use of specific interventions (e.g. virtual reality) and clinical case studies. It is an up-to-date and wide-ranging handbook, covering theory, research and practice. The international panel of authors are all experienced researchers and clinicians, and are leaders in their respective fields. The book is intended for those who work professionally in commercial and military aviation. This includes aviation psychologists, aerospace medical/nursing personnel, flying instructors, clinical psychologists and psychiatrists and those involved in fear of flying programs. A secondary audience includes researchers, professionals with an interest in anxiety/phobia, travel health clinic nurses and counsellors/therapists. Those who have a fear of flying themselves will also find the contents of interest.

Fear Of Flying

Author : Tiziana M.
ISBN : 9788822888617
Genre : Self-Help
File Size : 46. 58 MB
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Air travel is a fact of modern life, something that even the youngest child now takes for granted. If you want to get from point A to point B, flying is generally the quickest option – sometimes the only option, especially if it involves overseas travel – and with prices at an all time low, anyone and everyone can fly nowadays. This ability to jet off to all corners of the globe is one that has allowed people greater travel freedoms than they have ever had before, but for some, this freedom comes with a price tag attached. Not everyone is a good flyer, and certainly, not everyone actually enjoys flying.

No More Fear Of Flying

Erica Jong Zipless

Author : Allen Carr Fear Of Flying Erica Jong Free Download
ISBN : 9781784280192
Genre : Self-Help
File Size : 42. 19 MB
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Fear of flying is a distressing condition that can have a devastating effect on your life. FOFs - people with fear of flying - either put themselves through hell every time they take a flight, or else they avoid flying altogether. Luckily, help is at hand. The Allen Carr Easyway method has helped millions of people to quit smoking, alcohol and other drugs as well as to stop gambling, overeating and going into debt. This book unravels the misconceptions that make you believe flying is dangerous. All you need to do is follow all the instructions and you cannot fail to cure your fear of flying. * No scare tactics * No willpower required * Changes the way you think about flying 'Allow Allen Carr to help you escape today.' The Observer 'A different approach. A stunning success.' The Sun

Overcome Your Fear Of Flying

Author : Robert Bor
ISBN : 9781847091246
Genre : Psychology
File Size : 66. 46 MB
Format : PDF, Kindle
Download : 717
Read : 299

Fear of flying is common, affecting up to 30% of the adult population, and can have disastrous social and professional consequences, spoiling holidays, damaging careers and putting relationships under stress. The good news is that this is one of the most treatable psychological problems. Overcome Your Fear of Flying, written by two psychologists and a pilot, looks at effective skills and techniques you can use to help reduce the anxiety commonly associated with flying.

Fear Of Flying Solo

Author : Marsha Vaughn
ISBN : 9781642790122
Genre : Family & Relationships
File Size : 89. 99 MB
Format : PDF, ePub, Docs
Download : 691
Read : 1245

Are you newly and shockingly divorced? You bought the “til death do us part” thing. Now you are alone, and perhaps feeling unlovable? Is being single again overwhelming, scary, and totally not what you want? Are you freaked out about ever getting your life back together? Do you ask yourself, “Where do I start?” every day, then take a few steps and give up when the grief or panic overtakes you? In Fear of Flying Solo: Recovery from Divorce, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Marsha Vaugn teaches those going through divorce how to manage the transition and all of the overwhelming to-do’s that come with it. She guides them through asking for support, what to do (or not do) about sex and dating, how to begin anew, and what practices carry them forward into their new life. If you are caught in the divorce transition and don’t want to do it alone, Fear of Flying Solo is there for you every step of the way.

Lose Your Fear Of Flying

Author : Sobaca
ISBN : 9781907290244
Genre : Self-Help
File Size : 20. 59 MB
Format : PDF
Download : 548
Read : 1049

Are you amongst those who fly because they have to, yet dread it? You are in good company. There are many like you who reluctantly fly, perhaps because of work or due to the fact they won’t allow their fears to curtail their enjoyment of life. Statistics are of no help. What can help, though, is a better understanding of exactly what is happening during a typical flight from the only vantage point that counts, your passenger seat. This eBook uses friendly language and terminology to clearly explain the sounds and noises you hear that may worry you and it tells you the truth about turbulence and adverse weather. Rest assured. It’s good news. The format is simple. You are guided through a complete flight from boarding an aircraft, through taxiing to take-off, climb, cruise, descent and finally to landing. Along the way you will become familiar with the different stages of flight and what sounds and sensations you may expect. You will learn about an aircrafts capabilities, crew training, air traffic control and the systems in place to ensure your safety. More importantly you will learn that you do not need to concern yourself with the discomfort of a bumpy flight. Flying without fear....... It can happen.

Overcome Your Fear Of Flying You Can Do It

Author : Timothy Campbell
ISBN : 0968411304
Genre : Fear of flying
File Size : 62. 59 MB
Format : PDF, ePub, Docs
Download : 392
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Fear Of Flying Erica Jong Free Download For Windows 7


Fear Of Flying

Author : Calvin Thomas
ISBN : 9781312059399
Genre :
File Size : 78. 56 MB
Format : PDF, ePub
Download : 998
Read : 887

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